Top>Keisuke Sogawa
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Keisuke Sogawa

Advisory board


Co-Founder and CTO of newmo, Inc. He completed his master’s degree in systems science at the Graduate School of Informatics at Kyoto University, and was selected to join the Information-technology Promotion Agency of Japan’s MITOU Program in 2010. He worked on developing the foundations for the credit card payment service as CTO of WebPay Holdings, and later joined LINE Group, where he worked on the development of LINE Pay. He joined Mercari Group in June 2017, where he consecutively held the positions of Director and Chief Technology Officer of Merpay, Vice President and Chief Information Security Officer of Mercari, and Vice President of Incubation (R4D). He is currently Co-Founder and CTO of newmo, Inc., as well as a project manager for the MITOU Program.