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Elephant Career Publishes Interview Article on the “Mercari R4D PhD Support Program” for Supporting Employees in Obtaining Doctorate Degrees

Top>Elephant Career Publishes Interview Article on the “Mercari R4D PhD Support Program” for Supporting Employees in Obtaining Doctorate Degrees

An interview article on the Mercari R4D PhD Support Program for supporting employees in obtaining doctorate degrees has been published on Elephant Career. The article introduces the operations of the program and the work styles of the members using it to pursue their doctorate degrees.

The article interviews Mercari AI/LLM Team Tech Lead Yuji Oshima, Merpay UX Researcher Miho Matsuzono, and Mercari R4D Research Administrators Mari Inoue and Shoichi Fujimoto.

Read the article at the link below.

https://ele-careers.com/2024/05/29/mercari/ (available in Japanese only)

Read more about the Mercari R4D PhD Support Program in the articles below.

For inquiries regarding this program, please use the contact form on the R4D website.